
Music Collection Tours at the Music, Art and Architecture Library.

Music Collection Tours at the Music, Art and Architecture Library.

Music Collection facility orientation tours are available for School of Music faculty and students…

New Database – Garden, Landscape & Horticulture Index

New Database – Garden, Landscape & Horticulture Index

UBC Library is now subscribing to EBSCO’s Garden, Landscape & Horticulture Index….

Music, Art and Architecture Library @ the I. K. Barber Learning Centre

Music, Art and Architecture Library @ the I. K. Barber Learning Centre

The Music Library’s collections and services join the Art + Architecture + Planning Division of UBC Library.

Featured Online Resource: Benezit Dictionary of Artists

Featured Online Resource: Benezit Dictionary of Artists

With nearly 170,000 entries on artists from antiquity to the present day and featuring regular updates, Benezit is one of the most comprehensive and definitive resources on artists in the English language.

Aboriginal (Un)History Month

Aboriginal (Un)History Month

Celebrate Indigenous Scholarship at UBC Library by checking out these highlights from the collection

2011/2012 Dodson Music Series

The Dodson Music Series schedule for 2011/2012 is now posted! Performances are held in the Dodson Room of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. These free concerts are organized and performed by students of the UBC School of Music. Leah Giselle Field is the Artistic Director, and Kirsten Walsh is the Library liaison. Read about […]

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to a new term, and a new look for the UBC Music Library’s website!  If there is anything you would like to see on the new website, please leave us a comment below!