- To see what he saw : J.E.H. MacDonald and the O'Hara Years, 1924-1932 / Stanley Munn, Patricia Cucman.
- Mass housing in Ukraine : building typologies and catalogue of series : 1922-2022 / Kateryna Malaia, Philipp Meuser.
- Designing streets for kids.
- The landscape of home : in the country, by the sea, in the city / Hollander Design Landscape Architects ; foreword by Bunny Williams ; written with Judith Nasatir.
- Elevated : art on the High Line / editor, Cecilia Alemani ; contributors, Cecilia Alemani, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Emanuele Coccia, Aruna D'Souza, Melanie Kress, Alan van Capelle, Taylor Zakarin.
- Legacy : David Martin at AC Martin ; introductory essay and interview, Edie Cohen.
- The Edith Farnsworth House : architecture, preservation, culture / Michelangelo Sabatino ; foreword: Scott Mehaffey ; essays: Dietrich Neumann and Ron Henderson ; afterword: Hilary Lewis.
- Queering architecture : methods, practices, spaces, pedagogies / edited by Marko Jobst, Naomi Stead.
- Like a great feudal landlord : how architecture and slavery created the world of the Upcountry planter / Heidi Amelia-Anne Weber.
- The battle for better design : the history of the Royal Fine Art Commission / Robert Bargery ; foreword by Lord Foster of Thames Bank OM.
- Noble magnificence : culture of the performing arts in Rome, 1644-1740 / Edited by Anne-Madeleine Goulet & Michela Berti.
- Musical exoticism : the Mediterranean and beyond in the long nineteenth century / edited by Michael Christoforidis and Ramón Sobrino.
- Max Richter : history, memory and nostalgia / edited by Delphine Vincent.
- Tango / Remfry, David.
- Open questions : thirty years of writing about art / Helen Molesworth ; edited by Donna Wingate.
- Gert Dumbar : gentleman Maverick of Dutch design / Max Bruinsma, author/editor ; Leonie ten Duis, author ; Renate Boere, visual editor/book design.
- Reading visual investigations : between advocacy, journalism, and law / Edited by Lisa Luksch and Andres Lepik.
- Project of a historical architecture / Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach ; Edited by Maarten Delbeke, Pier Paolo Tamburelli.
- Architecture of knowledge, Hawksmoor and Oxford / Eleonora Pistis.
- On collecting artists' books : the Liliana Dematteis collection at the Thomas J. Watson Library, the Metropolitan Museum of art = la collezione Liliana Dematteis presso la Thomas J. Watson Library, the Metropolitan Museum of art / edited by Melania Gazzotti.
- Tashkent : a modernist capital / photography by Karel Balas ; text by Béatrice Grenier ; foreword, Saida Mirziyoyeva ; preface, Chris Dercon.
- Spatial theories for the Americas : counterweights to five centuries of Eurocentrism / Fernando Luiz Lara.
- Rosario Candela & The New York Apartment : 1927 -1937 the architecture of the age / David Netto; foreword by Aerin Lauder ; essays by Paul Goldberger and Peter Pennoyer ; designed by Takaaki Matsumoto.
- Building in place : architecture rooted in context and social equity / Greg Goldin and Lorcan O'Herlihy.
- Greatness : diverse designers of architecture / Pascale Sablan.
- Seeing voices : analyzing sign language music / Anabel Maler.
- Off the ground : Paul McCartney in the 1990s / JR Moores.
- Fountain safari / James Garland.
- Adolph Gottlieb : a powerful will to art / James Lawrence, Sanford Hirsch.
- Monumental transformations : reuse, adaptation and the evolution of Rome's theaters after Antiquity / Guendalina Ajello Mahler.
- It's nice today : on climate, comfort, and pleasure / Lacaton & Vassal ; Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal with Atmos Lab.
- Eden : garden designs / Marcel Wolterinck.
- Martine Syms : She mad : season one / Martine Syms ; texts, William Pym, Jadine Collingwood and Martine Sym, Axel Wieder ; editor, Axel Wieder.
- Eva Hesse : exhibitions, 1972-2022 : reflections from sixteen curators / edited by Barry Rosen ; contributions by Linda Shearer [and 15 others].
- Vincent Scully : architecture, urbanism, and a life in search of community / A. Krista Sykes.
- Carlo Scarpa : the complete buildings / texts by Jale N. Erzen ; edited and interviews by Emiliano Bugatti ; photography by Cemal Emden.
- Hollow land : Israel's architecture of occupation / Eyal Weizman.
- Heating, cooling, lighting : sustainable design strategies towards net zero architecture / Norbert Lechner, Patricia Andrasik.
- Embroidering the landscape : art, women and the environment in British North America, 1740-1770 / Andrea Pappas.
- Democracy and urban form / by Richard Sennett.
- Psychology of architecture : on brains and spaces / Ulaş Başar Gezgin and Ngûyen Thị Bich Vân.
- Nature-first cities : restoring relationships with ecosystems and with each other / Cam Brewer, Herb Hammond, and Sean Markey.
- Lunch. 17, [Craft] / editors, Judy Shao-yu Chen Sawyer Davies, Andre Grospe, Eden McCafferty, and Erica Shapiro-Sakashita.
- Concrete architecture / consulting editors, Greg Goldin and Sam Lubell.
- Before / After : Siza / Malagamba / Álvaro Siza and Duccio Malagamba.
- Have bassoon, will travel : memoir of an adventurous life in music / by George Zukerman
- The architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens / A.S.G. Butler with the collaboration of George Stewart & Christopher Hussey.
- Metrolab : metropolitan design as a new discipline / edited by Roland Krebs, Stefan Mayr.
- Event-cities 5 : poetics / Bernard Tschumi.
- The tulip garden : growing and collecting species, rare and annual varieties / Polly Nicholson ; photography by Andrew Montgomery.
- Le potager du roi = The king's kitchen garden / Stéphanie de Courtois ; nouvelle édition revue, augmentée, par Antoine Jacobsohn, Chiara Santini et Ana Teodorescu ; traduction anglaise: Carol Brick-Stock.
- Lost gardens of London / Todd Longstaffe-Gowan.
- The gardens of Ulf Nordfjell / photography by Jason Ingram ; photography of Ekholmsnäs Manor, Lisen Stibeck ; foreword, Annie Gatti ; English translation, Neil Smith.
- Vertical urban factory / by Nina Rappaport.
- Swan & Maclaren : a story of Singapore architecture / Julian Davison.
- Sacred modernity : the holy embrace of modernist architecture / introduction and chapter texts by Jamie McGregor Smith ; essays by Ivica Brnić and Jonathan Meades.
- The Purple One : Prince, race, gender, and everything in between / edited by Judson L. Jeffries, Shannon M. Cochran, and Molly Reinhoudt.
- Jean Nouvel : 1981-2022 / by Jean Nouvel ; Philip Jodidio, editor.
- The modern garden : the outdoor architecture of mid-century America / Pierluigi Serraino
- The world of Apartamento : ten years of everyday life interiors / edited by Omar Sosa, Nacho Alegre, Marco Velardi.
- Design for a radically changing world / Andy Cohen, FAIA, Diane Hoskins, FAIA.
- The young man and the tree : Fernando Wong landscape design / Tim Johnson ; foreword by Martha Stewart ; photography by Carmel Brantley.
- Time-saver standards for landscape architecture : design and construction data / co-editors, Charles W. Harris, Nicholas T. Dines ; assistant editor, Kyle D. Brown.
- Richard Meier, architect 2018/2022 / Richard Meier ; introduction by by Kurt W. Forster ; essay by Alberto Campo Baeza.
- Lina Bo Bardi : material ideologies / editor, Mónica Ponce de León.
- Urbanistic projects : the next generational paths : a European perspective / Carlo Pisano, Giambattista Zaccariotto.
- Reflecting fifty years : Washington State University's Art Museum / edited by Ryan Hardesty.
- Landscapes / Manoucher Yektai.
- Bruegel's Three soldiers / Anna-Claire Stinebring, Salman Toor.
- Drifting symmetries : projects, provocations, and other enduring models : Weiss/Manfredi / Marion Weiss, Michael A. Manfredi ; Eric Bellin, editor.
- Charles J. Stick and his gardens / Jeff Poole ; foreword by Sam Abell.
- The women who changed photography : and how to master their techniques / Gemma Padley.
- Black Chapel, Theaster Gates : Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / edited by Chris Bayley, Natalia Grabowska and Yesomi Umolu.
- Paper graveyards / Eduardo Cadava.
- Late antique Palatine architecture : palaces and palace culture : patterns of transculturation / edited by Lynda Mulvin, Nigel Westbrook.
- The land is full : Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects / essays by Robert Pogue Harrison, Brent Leggs, Nina-Marie Lister, Thomas L. Woltz ; edited by Bradford McKee ; foreword by Andrea Wulf.
- How painting happens (and why it matters) / Martin Gayford.
- The birth of a style : the influence of the Basel educational model on Swiss graphic design / Dorothea Hofmann.
- A village and its double : urban planning manual, Olympic and Paralympic Games, Paris 2024 / Dominique Perrault.
- Design for all? : inclusive design today / edited by Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Evelyn Steiner und Sara Zeller.
- Cities of repetition : Hong Kong's private housing estates / Jason F. Carlow, Christian J. Lange ; foreword, Cole Roskam.
- Agonistic assemblies : on the spatial politics of horizontality : a project by Cultures of Assembly at the University of Luxembourg / edited by Markus Miessen.
- Key to the city : how zoning shapes our world / Sara C. Bronin.
- Beyond the meadows : portrait of a natural and biodiverse garden / Susann Probst & Yannic Schon.
- Black, queer & untold : a new archive of designers, artists, & trailblazers / Jon Key.
- Share : conversations about contemporary architecture. the Nordic countries / [interviews by] Todd Saunders ; & [edited by] Jonathan Bell.
- Natured : Iroje, Seung H-Sang / text by Hyungmin Pai.
- Periurban cartographies : Kolkata's ecologies and settled ruralities / Victoria Jane Marshall.
- Bedford Garden Club originals : New York's Eloise Luquer and Delia Marble / Judy Culbreth.
- Outside In : exploring the margins of art / Marc Steene.
- Mashel Teitelbaum : terror & beauty.
- The practice of spatial thinking : differentiation processes / Leon van Schaik, SueAnne Ware, Colin Fudge, Geoffrey London ; revisions to the second edition, Leon van Schaik and Ian Nazareth.
- The founding myths of architecture / [edited by] Konrad Buhagiar, Guillaume Dreyfuss, Jens Bruenslow.
- Facades : beauty, utility, performance / Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.
- Architecture is a social act : Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects / authors, Sinéad Finnerty-Pyne and Greg Goldin.
- Paris in ruins : love, war, and the birth of Impressionism / Sebastian Smee.
- Claude Cahun / introduction by François Leperlier
- Mandalas : mapping the Buddhist art of Tibet / Kurt Behrendt ; with essays by Christian Luczanits and Amy Heller ; and an interview with Tenzing Rigdol.
- Korean feminist artists : confront and deconstruct / Kim Hong-hee, Kim Hyesoon.
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